الدكتور أنس النابلسي
عميد كلية الزراعة
جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا
Qualifications Summary - Eleven years of academic administrative experience at Jordan University of Science and Technology - Twenty five years of research experience studying microbiology of food and food products safety. - Well experienced in current microbiology techniques, food analysis and sampling, design of experiments and analysis of results - Technical expert for meat processing plants (approved by Jordan Standards and Metrology Organization) - Internal QMS Auditor based on ISO 9001:2008 (Approved IRCA) - Experience in IFT (Institutes of Food Technologists) accreditation - Member of the editorial board of International Journal of Food Microbiology. - Head and member of several National Technical Committees at Jordan Standards and Metrology Organization and Jordan Food Drug Administration and Ministry of Higher Education